Must Visit-Oasis in the Desert with Emerald Pools

Wadi Bani Khalid
Is one of my MUST visit place in Oman. It is amazing place with an unique look of wadi and emerald pools contrast with the blue sky. I love the views, it takes my breath away. I really recommend for whom who love nature and relaxing place in the same time. It’s not only me the place is very famous for local and tourists around the world too because it is really nature beauty. The stream constant flows throughout the year with oasis and palm trees. Due to the beauty and easy access the place is full you should avoid weekend or public holiday. The place will be crowded.

Tourists relaxing, swimming
Wadi Bani Khalid located in the Northern Governorate of the Eastern Region of Oman. It about 203 km. from Muscat or 120 km. from Sur City. We drive from Sur city that take a drive but it took longer because we get lost and missing road sign. We get lost and drive up to small village on the top of the hill. Interestingly to see houses built on the edge of the mountain.
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Large emerald pools
Wadi Bani Khalid is a family-friendly that very easy access (elderly or kids still can access but still be-careful with slippy) if you compare with Wadi Shab it very easy. It will take about 10-15 minutes walk from parking lot to the first large pool area. There are rest area service or you can bring your own mat/chair if you wish to stick around for picnicking/BBQ or just relaxing by put your feed down to let small fish eat your death skin.

Small Bridge Crossing Between 2 side
There is a cafe and restaurant, hot and cold drink service and you can cross between 2 side so you can take a rest there are resting area with the views. Oh! toilet are at the back of restaurant or there are changing tents service too but you have to leave some change for the fee.

Swimming but NO Jumping
The Second part will take 10-15 minutes walk up to see the smaller steam/pool you can swim but NO jumping. We visit the place in the winter here the water a bit cold for me so I decide not to swim but I still enjoy the view and hike up to see small waterfall.

2nd large pool

Hike up to small waterfall
This part is require more attention and have to be very careful the rocks are slippery and you will crossing small steam. Just follow the hiking sign you will lead you to easy and safe paths.

Small Waterfall

Crystal clear water
This part of Wadi Bani Khalid is more quiet and less tourists because due to take time and quite difficult to hike up. If you wish to swill you have a changing tent provide but you need to leave some change. Please keep in mind to respectful the culture should wear cover swimming both for men and women.

Changing tent

Hiking sign
Spectacular View Small Village Near Wadi Bani Khalid
We accidentally find this village by get lost the way to go to Wadi Bani Khalid. But when we are here it amazing rural village in the earliest inhabitants of the Wadi Bani Khalid area were the “Bedouin tribes” the views is spectacular and the local Omani live.
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Sharqiya Sands (Wahiba Sands)
Misfat Al Abriyeen
Jebel Kawar
Ibri Castel